Life is full of all kinds of transitions.

Lately conversations have circled around the topic of TRANSITIONS. Funny how the universe has a way of making you have conversations with others that you are avoiding with yourself.
I started thinking about the different types of transitions we encounter (most on a daily basis).
We go from a work(out) to work(ing). We seem to switch from stressful situations to less stressful situations and vice versa with one email.
We can go from creating to consuming in the blink of an eye. And we can vow to keep it all in at one moment only to find ourselves letting it all out the next.
We go from making messes to figuring out way of cleaning them up🤪or watering them down as much as possible. We can build over hours, months, and years, only to realize that anything can be town down in seconds, words, and unexpected moments.
We toggle between spending superfluously to saving fiercely or wasting time, money, or energy to mindfully investing each in different ways.
We find ourselves celebrating some wins to quietly mourning the losses🤕. But my hope in sitting with all of these is to be able to transition better from reacting to reflecting, embracing, and accepting.
As I quickly changed into work clothes today, I realized that there is a LONG ROAD still ahead for all of us, full of transitions yet to be met.
May our transitions be light on our heart, body, and mind today.
May the hard transitions be quick.
May the slow ones be as painless as possible.
May we continue to find better ways to adjust during transitions.
May we keep in mind that the best predictor of well-being is not optimism, but flow—and in order to find #ourflow we need to learn to #embraceTransitions as they come.

And just as in triathlons, the most successful triathletes are not the ones that are the BEST at any single sport....The best triathletes are the ones who are most efficient at transitioning between the 3 sports and who never lose sight of the end goal.
Happy Sweating and Transitioning Friends